
Treasurer job responsibilities:

  • Appointments are for 3-yr terms
  • Treasurer’s primary responsibilities are to oversee club finances and keep the board apprised of the financial condition of the club. Club’s bookkeeper provides Treasurer with monthly financial statements, including an income statement, balance sheet, and bank account reconciliation. Treasurer reports highlights to the board at each board meeting, generally bi-monthly.
  • Treasurer prepares a Treasurer report for 4 regular board meetings per year
  • Time commitment: about 50-60 hours per year intermittently around board reports and taxes
    • 16 hr – Prepare 4 Treasurer Repts (excluding the last one! it took much longer, maybe 8 hr)
    • 8 hr – Tax return prep before CPA and review after CPA prepares
    • 8 hr – Budget prep
    • 15 hr – Attend 5 Board meetings
    • 6 hr – Review, sign, track, mail monthly checks (12x 0.5hr)
    • 53 hr Total

Primary responsibilities include:

  • Review invoices, then sign and mail checks prepared by bookkeeper
  • Prepare annual budget and recommended minimum cash reserve for board approval
  • Review and sign tax return prepared by accountant with data provided by treasurer
  • Review and sign Charitable Trusts Registration Renewal prepared by accountant
  • Call board’s attention to items of interest or concern
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