Meet Our Team

Kirsten W. Pickford
Executive Director

HCSF Officers

Linda Zhang, AB ’12
 Eli Salomon, JD ’06
VP, Community Service
Anupam Agarwal, MPH ’05
President Elect
VP, Activities
 Betsy Massar, HBS ’82
Immediate Past President
Chair, Nominating Committee
Greg Groeneveld, MPP ’88
 Lin Zhu AB ’21
Ralph KoenkerRalph Koenker, AB ’81
VP, Schools
 Lisha Bornilla, Ed.M ‘22Lisha Bornilla, Ed.M ‘22
VP, Activities
Elizabeth Swaney, MDS ’09
VP, Activities
 Alexandra Morehouse, AB 1980, MBA 1984, EXED 1999
VP, Activities
VP, Communications
Amy Hanson, AB ’92
VP, Partnerships
 Jules Sebastian, Faculty of Arts & Sciences ALM ’22
VP Membership

Board Members

Anupam Agarwal, MPH ’05
Michael Alderete, AB ’79
Lisha Bornilla, Ed.M ‘22
Julia Cheever, AB ’66 (Radcliffe)
Katherine Dowling, JD ’98
Elisa Dun, JD ’16
Greg Groeneveld, MPP ’88
Amy Hanson, AB ’92
Jorge Jaramillo, KSGEE ’10, ’12
Ralph Koenker, AB ’81
Betsy Massar, MBA ’82
Alexandra Morehouse, AB 1980, MBA 1984, EXED 1999
Eli Salomon, JD ’06
Jules Sebastian, Faculty of Arts & Sciences ALM ’22
Elizabeth Swaney, MDS ’09
David J. Tsai AB ’97
Marty Tunnell, HBS ’78
Linda Zhang, AB’12
Lin Zhu AB’21

Ex Officios and Past Presidents

Michael Alderete, AB ’79
Alexandra Amati, AM ’91, PhD ’94
Gary Arsham, AB ’63
David Balabanian, AB ’60
Eric Behrens, AB ’70
Riza Bennon
Peggy Brown
Preston Dodd, EdM ’94
Stephanie Evans, EdM ’78
Don Farrar, MBA ’89
Ledger Free, AB ’48
K. Bruce Friedman, AB ’50
Modesta Garcia, EdM ’79
Zara Tepper Haimo, AB ’68
Amy Hanson, AB ’92
David James, AB ’55
Jorge Jaramillo, KSGEE ’10, ’12
Shiraz Kaderali, MCU ’72
Marvin F. Kasoff, AB ’64
Arkie Koehl
Bob Kristoff, AB ’74
Charles La Follette, AB ’51
Lauren Malan AB ’02, AM ’02, JD ‘07
Betsy Massar, HBS ’82
Augie Rakow, DIV ’99
David Ratner, AB ’52
Gautham Reddy, AB ’85
Spencer Rhodes, AB ’00, MBA ’04
Tony Rossmann, AB ’63
Eli Salomon, JD ’06
Michael Sears, AB ’84
Wellington Sculley, AB ’08
Upasna Sharma, AB ’15
Walter Sleeth, AB ’65
Robert M. Smith, AB ’62
Paul Toulmin, AB ’59
John Trasviña, AB ’80
David J. Tsai, AB ’97
Bill Utic, MCR ’79
Stephen Watkins, AM ’96
Sheela Goud Zemlin, MBA ’98


Harvard Club of San Francisco: By-Laws
Harvard Club of San Francisco: Nominating Committee Process